Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Still Por-in'

Tuesday I roughed up the POR-15 that my dad sprayed in the engine compartment so that we can spray a coat of primer and then a sealing coat of black paint. I also using caulking to fill seams that we had removed the original sealer around the firewall and under the front fenders. I didn't get as much done as I would have liked because I got stuck at work for an extra hour and was feeling tired around 8pm.

Today my dad bought gray primer, sandpaper, lacquer thinner and some rubber undercoating for the car. I sprayed 3 of the cans around the front and rear fender areas and will be sure to spray a couple of more cans around there, under the car and also inside of the car on the floorboards after I seal the seams with caulking. The picture to the left isn't that great, but you can see that the paint is much more dull than it was a few entries ago. Now that it has been scuffed, the primer will be able to stick to the POR-15. You can see that along the side of the engine compartment, its much darker than it was before since I have a first coat of rubber laid down.

Brushing the silver POR-15 in the interior was good because the floor pans I welded in were already beginning to show signs of surface rust. Now that they are sealed on the bottom and on top (interior) they will last just about forever. I also took the time to lay down some of the rust paint in the trunk since there were a few spots that showed signs of rusted metal. The trunk area didn't look as nice as the interior, but it doesn't really matter since this is only a first coat of paint. I'll be sealing the interior, then laying down a coat of rubber and paint before putting in rubber mats and carpet. I'll probably be doing much of the same to the trunk as well. The paint was very pungent in smell and although I was supposed to use a mask, I forgot...hopefully I don't have permanent brain damage from breathing the fumes for as long as I did. I'm getting closer and closer to beginning to put the front end back together! All that's left is primering and painting the engine compartment before we can drop in the suspension and steering.

As you can see from this picture, we threw a coat of black primer on the area that I welded in a section of sheet metal to shore up the section that the export brace mounts to. It looks very clean after using some caulking to seal where the welds were against the cowl. I would imagine that the rest of the engine compartment will look just as good after some primer and paint.

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