Saturday, November 26, 2011

Painting the Car

The sky was clear, and the temperature was perfect! It almost turned out to be a perfect day to paint the car. Only one thing messed everything up...the wind. While we were painting, the wind decided to kick up and unfortunately a lot of debris got into the clear coat so we'll have to shoot another coat tomorrow. We're going to wet sand the clear enough to get out the bumps and allow another coat of clear to stick. I swung by the paint store to pick up another gallon of clear and hardener as well as some more Smoothie. 

My dad did a fantastic job painting the car today. He has no problem crawling on the ground if that's what it takes to get the right angle to shoot a particular section of the car.

Me looking at the trees to gauge the wind

The base coat turned out was just the clear the got the debris in it. According to the clear coat specs, we need to let it cure overnight and can then wet sand it in the morning. The sky is supposed to be clear and the temperature should be around 82 degrees so the only thing we'll be watching for is more wind although it's not in the forecast for tomorrow. Once its wet sanded and the weather permits, we'll shoot the last coat of clear on it tomorrow afternoon otherwise we'll wait until Monday.